Recharge your fitness to move, think, feel and look better.

Employ a simple workout method that encourages consistency.

Flip your 2X switch

2X.TRAINING is convenient… workout anywhere.

2X.TRAINING is efficient… more done in less time.

2X.TRAINING is effective… get better results.

“You don’t need to spend hours in the gym.” - Dana

Take advantage

The goal of 2X.TRAINING is to help you improve your physical and mental fitness, utilizing a highly effective resistance training method. Take advantage of Dana’s knowledge to ignite change.

GET-STARTED today and save $50!



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Learn about Dana's personal journey.

free 15-minute DISCOVERY call

Let’s see if 2X.TRAINING is a good fit for you… and if it is… we can get you started!

Schedule Your 15-minute Discovery Phone Call Here

Meet Dana Hemmingsen

Hi… I’m Dana and I am a trainer and health coach who struggled years ago. When I was in my mid late 30s I lost my edge… big time. After years of corporate job pressure, followed by a fast paced aerospace startup, it finally caught up… my body gave out both physically and mentally. It took years to recover, but my personal fitness and health commitment prevailed… I feel better than I have in years!