Results matter

testimonials from a few clients

  • “Just feeling awesome, more energy and just feeling stronger. Lost a few pounds too. Thank you 2X.TRAINING.”

    Patricia 34 yr

  • “Blood pressure for the past few years has been like 152 / 96. Now off medication and in the 114 / 78 range. I feel so much better overall, especially without the side-effects of the medication.”

    Kent - 52 yr

  • “Had some doubts about this minimalist training approach. I was definitely in the more is better camp. But have to say the results have been really positive. Feel like I am really progressing and the body is looking more toned!”

    Paul - 38 yr

  • “Lost 24 lbs and feel great. Didn’t realize how my health was being impacted. I don’t have that anxiety that was always creeping up on me and my energy is so much better.”

    Karen - 62 yr

  • “Feeling too busy to fit my workouts in. Using the 2X single exercise a day schedule, can’t believe the results. It only takes me 12 minutes.”

    Brandon - 28 yr

  • “After years of struggling with weight and health issues, went from a size 22 to 14 pant size. Look and feel much better, my doctor said my blood work looks great.”

    Susan  - 53 yr


What client Dave has to say:

During the Covid pandemic I started eating un-healthy food. I gained 40 pounds and wasn’t feeling well. I started working with Dana to improve my overall health.

Dana recommended that I  take a blood test, and I discovered that my insulin, triglycerides and cholesterol levels were very high.  This was a wake-up call for me.  With Dana’s support I applied his Authentic Eating approach, and incorporated his recommendations for daily walking along with some resistance training.

  In three months I submitted to another blood test.  My insulin, triglycerides and cholesterol levels dropped so I could see a major shift change. I also lost 27 pounds, reduced my waist size by 4”, and my overall health has signifyingly improved. My blood pressure decreased and I was able to cut my medication in half.  Dana’s program really does work. He has helped me to improve my life and overall health. I highly recommend working with Dana if you are ready to make a lifestyle change.

Thanks Dana, for your help.

Dave - 70 yr


free 15-minute discovery call

Let’s see if 2X.TRAINING is a good fit for you… and if it is… we can get you started!

Schedule Your 15-minute Discovery Phone Call Here

Dana personally conducts all programs offered under Insight Health & Fitness, applying years of his fitness and health coaching experience.

  • 20+ Years of Health and Fitness Coaching

  • Functional Movement Specialist (FMS)

  • Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM)

  • Metabolic Conditioning Specialist (NASM)

  • Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN)

Discover how Dana can assist you further by booking your 20-minute discovery Zoom session today!