Let’s take a look inside.



Compliments your training effort.

Blood can provide a wealth of information about your state of health and fitness.

Standard lab testing today is often lacking in the depth of the blood markers assessed.

“This blood test complements your training effort so you can take full advantage of the 2X.TRAINING methodology.” - Dana

2X.LABWORK offers a comprehensive blood test that reflects metabolic function.

Proper metabolic function impacts your health, fitness and life.

2X.LABWORK is a simple home lab test that checks…

  • Blood Sugar

  • Inflammation

  • Cholesterol Ratios

  • Hormone Balance

  • Stress Response

These blood markers complement your routine lab work,and provide more in depth data related to metabolic function.

2X.LABWORK includes:

  1. Simple home test kit or a LabCorp blood draw (requires 12-hour fast).

  2. Comprehensive lab report and analysis (by Dana).

  3. Results interpretation appointment (30-minute zoom).

free 15-minute Discovery call

Let’s see if 2X.TRAINING is a good fit for you… and if it is… we can get you started!

Schedule Your 15-minute Discovery Phone Call Here

Please Note…

2X.LABORK is for educational purposes only. Any information and guidance offered by Insight Health is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment, and before undertaking a new health fitness regimen.