Meet Dana

“Hi… I’m Dana and I am a trainer and health coach who struggled years ago. When I was in my mid 30s I lost my edge… big time.”

stress and poor metabolic health played a major role.

After years of corporate job pressure, followed by a fast paced aerospace startup, it finally caught up and my body gave out both physically and mentally. In fact, I was eventually hospitalized and it took years to recover.

What’s so ironic about that life experience and now looking back, it didn’t have to be. There were physical and mental signs along the way that I ignored… I just didn’t know.  In fact, with what I know now… I could have thrived through those demanding times.

It took years but I did recover, applying early elements of my work that gave birth to Insight Health & Fitness and 2X.TRAINING. Based on my life experience and my health and fitness work over the past 16 years, I have fine tuned this approach.

Throughout my life, fitness, resistance training and movement have been an important part of my journey. When I look back, it s when I swayed from fitness that my physical and mental health went negative. Aside from sports participation, I started fitness and weight training at the age of 13 when I saved my allowance to buy an old barbell set from a friend. My life has also included significant movement in the form of martial arts, although I would say I am a bit rusty in that regard… lol.

This is where I am now… at the age of 66… when it comes to my fitness and health I will not compromise. So does this mean I am a deprived over dedicated train-aholic and that’s all I focus on? This is not the case. My nutrition is pretty dialed I will say that, and that certainly plays a big role. But most people would be amazed at how little workout time I spend weekly… 2X.TRAINING does work. That said… I am committed to not rationalize or compromise daily fitness and health decisions that would have a negative impact and set me back.

If this rings true… my story… or you have similar aspraitions… I have been there and have the experience to guide you.



My mission is to help others enhance their physical and mental edge… and healthspan.

Along with 16 years of performance training and clinical health work, here are some of my certifications and studies that have reinforced this effort:

  • NASM – Performance Enhancement Specialist

  • NASM – Metabolic Conditioning 

  • FMS – Functional Movement Specialist 

  • Functional Diagnostic Nutrition – Stress Hormone Balance, Digestion, Oxidative Stress, Detoxification, Mucosal Barrier Function, Gut Pathogens & Health, Food Sensitivity 

  • Gastrointestinal Clinical Strategies - Kharrasian Institute

  • Adrenal & Gut Microbiome Assessment - Kalish Institute

  • AMMG (Age Management Medicine Group) – Peptide Bioregulator Therapies 

  • FDN Advanced – Functional Blood Analysis, SIBO, Hormone Testing, Thyroid 

  • Academy of Functional Medicine – Hormone Function, G.I. Function, Organic Acids

  • GI Masterclass – Kalish Institute 

  • Holistic Nutrition Lab – Replenish PDX Digestion 

  • 3x4 Genetic and Metabolic Pathway Testing

free 15-minute discovery call

Let’s see if 2X.TRAINING is a good fit for you… and if it is… we can get you started!

Schedule Your 15-minute Discovery Phone Call Here



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Learn about Dana's personal journey.